Live Sheep for Sale

Paicines Ranch is proud to offer our March-born ewe lambs for sale by the head, as commercial breeding stock, or as a starter flock package for those looking to do prescribed grazing or looking to enter the sheep industry.


Started in 2014, our flock of Dorper-Katahdin crosses have been through a rigorous selection process.

For nearly a decade, our shepherds have tracked and only kept replacement ewes that could perform in these areas:

  • Ewes must be able to thrive on both rugged rangeland and irrigated cropland.

  • Successfully birth and mother healthy lambs with minimal to no assistance from our shepherds.

  • Raise lambs that finish easily on pasture without supplements.

  • They must handle easily and calmly when moving through chutes, scales and loading trailers.

  • Respect electric fence- both net and polywire.

  • Perform in our low-input veterinary program by having a high natural resistance to local parasites and pathogens.

Sheep in Vineyard-1206

What We Offer


Breeding Stock


Looking to grow your flock? Our commercial Dorper-Katahdin ewe lambs will be a great addition to your breeding program. Our ewes primarily have twins and triplets. We are moving away from triplet baring mothers, at this time, because of our rangeland lambing.  We do not shed lamb. They have their scrapie tags and are vaccinated for CDT and Mannheimia Haemolytica-Pasteurella Multocida Bacterin. Bred or open ewes are seasonally available- Bred: Dec to Jan and Open: June-September. Generally, ewe lambs are available June-September. 


Market Lambs


On occasion we have live market lambs and ewes for sale. The owner of the live animal is responsible for the harvest and harvest location. Paicines Ranch does not allow on-site slaughter at this time. A great way to keep local, healthy, pasture-raised meat affordable and get the exact cuts and product you want!

We raise hair sheep, which shed their wool, and are raised for meat rather than fiber. Our genetics lean more towards a Dorper sheep phenotype: short, broad, and thick.  Dorpers are well known for heavy muscling and high yielding carcasses. Our animals grow evenly and are tender and with a lovely, mild flavor. Hair sheep breeds do not create lanolin, which is often sighted for giving wool breeds a stronger, gamey flavor. Feeder lambs are available from June-September. Finished Lambs November-January. 

Calera Sheep Move-by_Alicia_Arcididiacono

Starter Flock Packages


Looking to get into the contract grazing or the sheep industry? Paicines Ranch wants to support you! Contact us for opportunities to grow your business and start your own flock.

As of January 2023- $275/open ewe lambs or open yearling ewes.  Subject to change at any point.  Please call to get current pricing and quantity.

To purchase live animals:

Martha Skelley

Live Animal Sales - Paicines Ranch
